El álbum debut de Damián Anache, disponible en tres versiones generativas diferentes.
Debut album by Damián Anache, available in three unique generative versions.
También disponible en las principales plataformas de streaming Also available at main streaming platforms
"Música contemporánea sensible con el foco puesto en el tiempo y el espacio." Club del Disco, Argentina
"Damián Anache turns space and mathematics into instruments, creating sparse, airy soundscapes that constantly flow like the passing of time (...) Sit back, relax, and listen."
Chuck Foster, The Big Takeover #77, New York City, USA
"A slowly moving, meditative piece that hardly evolves as it progresses but instead
lulls one into a mysteriously captivating world."
Gareth Watkin, Echoes and Dust, UK
"Atípica combinación de elementos tecnológicos, artísticos, académicos y artesanales."
Jose Lomo , Capricho de Mamiferos, España
"Capturas del Unico Camino certainly has a lot going on but
it’s a subtle and soothing album of great depth."
Norman Records, UK
"A bright natural,ever-changing yet also constant sound painting,
a pleasure to have it playing in the background "
Peter Van Cooten, Ambientblog, Holanda
"Capturas del Unico Camino is a meditative work that drifts peacefully
and which invites the listener to respond to it with both attention and distraction"
Textura No.125, Canada
"Damián Anache has created a curiously soothing yet complex realm in his debut recording."
Wajobu, USA
"Un peculiare itinerario tra formazione classica e contemporaneità del soundscaping."
Raffaello Russo, Music won't save you, Italia
"This beautiful piece of music is not to be missed"
Bryon Hayes, Decoder Magazine, USA
"One could say this is the perfect ambient release, exactly as Brian Eno it once intended.
It offers a pleasant sound environment from a more modern classical point of view."
Vital Weekly, Paises Bajos
"The space between the isolated notes is essential to maintain
the solitude and tranquility of the abstract and rather surreal sound paintings."
Bert Strolenberg, Sonic Immersion, Paises Bajos
"This is a brave and ambitious record
that really pushes the boundaries of how music can be made."
Tomatrax, Australia
"you can certainly think of it as a choose-your-own-adventure style piece of music
where each listen can provide a different story." Raised by Gypsies, USA
"Please listen! this is a gorgeous record
based around momentary expression, chance drone and algorithms."
Robin Smith (The Quietus, Consequence Of Sound), UK
Esta obra es desarrollada en
el marco de las actividades del
proyecto de Investigación
espacial de sonido en la música electroacústica”,
director: Oscar
Pablo Di Liscia, co-director: Mariano
Cura, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
y como parte de los estudios de posgrado
del compositor en ATAM (Área
Transdepartamental de Artes Multimediales) del IUNA (Instituto
Universitario Nacional del Arte), carrera
de Especialización en Sonido Aplicado a las Artes